Other Tai Chi Instructors in Franklin District

St Andrews Centre
(Corner Kirk & Queen Streets, Waiuku)
Monday 6-7pm
with Stacy Shramana
“If body and posture are right, breathing will be smooth.
If breathing is smooth, mind and emotions will be at ease.
If mind and emotions are at ease, blood and vital energies will flow freely.
This both preserves health and brings about gradual healing.”
Huang Di Nei Jing

Please contact Stacy personally
Yoga Lane Studios
Community Wellness Centre
Tai Chi classes with Nooroa Kippenberger
Booking can be done here www.yogalanestudios.com/book-online

Yoga Lane Studios
Fridays at 9.30am for $5.
Our address is 40 queen Street, Waiuku 2123 (down the alleyway behind the unichem pharmacy )
with Dave Palmer
Dave teaches the Yang style 32 sword form, 24 movement form and more.
Tai Chi offers the perfect balance of mind and body, strength and flexibility, grace and agility in harmonious movement and does so in ways that promote overall health and well-being. Please wear comfortable clothing that allows complete freedom of movement.
Contact: Lyn Davis 09-235-8134

Contact the instructor directly